Berthoud Weekly Surveyor | Covering all the angles in the Garden Spot

Religion – Food for the soul: Who stole the body?

By: Jim Coleman | The Surveyor | April 14, 2022 | Local News

Much is made (and should be made) of the Christian declaration of a Savior who was risen from the dead. To my knowledge this claim is unique in the annals of religion, yet it is so preposterous (unless it is true) that it is no wonder many sniff at it and refuse to believe it. Let’s consider what happened as recorded in history and take a stab at determining the veracity of this bedrock Christian belief.

We could begin with whether or not Jesus was actually dead and not “mostly dead” (like in The Princess Bride). He had endured a severe beating/whipping, a crown of thorns pushed down into His head, and was nailed to a Roman cross like a common criminal, to eventually die of asphyxiation. The Roman guards at the cross confirmed His death by jamming a sword into His side, and “blood and water” came out, confirming His demise. There was no doubt among the soldiers or the Jewish officials that He indeed had perished from His wounds and suffering.

History records that Jesus was buried in a rich man’s tomb carved out of rock near where He had died. Joseph of Arimathea was His benefactor in this part of the story. He was a member of the Jewish Council who personally did not consent to Jesus’ mistreatment (and was likely a follower of Him, though in secret). He donated his personal gravesite to bury Jesus lifeless body in, with help from another follower of Jesus named Nicodemas (who had come to Jesus to ask and get answers to some serious questions about the afterlife). They wrapped Jesus’ dead body in “about a hundred pounds of spices” (as was the burial custom of the Jews), and a very large and heavy stone sealed the entrance as it was rolled into a depression in front of the entrance.

We are told that the Jewish leaders had concerns that His disciples might try to steal the body in order to start a story about Jesus being raised from the dead, so a decision was made with permission from Pilate the Roman curator, to seal the tomb against such a happening, and have it guarded day and night. They then made the grave secure, and set a seal on the stone so they would know if anyone messed with it. And then Roman guards took up positions to keep away anyone with intent to remove the remains.

All was well until Sunday morning, when some of the women followers came to the tomb to pay their respects (like we might visit a cemetery today), and found the massive stone tossed aside and the tomb empty. It sure didn’t look like a grave robbery, otherwise the large stone would surely have been moved as little as possible. The guards had witnessed something supernatural, and were freaked out. They reported what they had seen and heard to the Jewish leaders, who gave them a bribe to tell the story that the disciples had come by night and stolen the body while they slept…

And so the ‘myth’ of the stolen body was spread, and yet Christianity was born of the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. He appeared to many during the 40 days before His ascension into Heaven (so the Bible records), and these witnesses lived many years and could have been questioned regarding what they claimed had really happened. Another angle would be to simply produce the body and shut the mouths of the followers of Jesus, but that didn’t happen.

It is logical to ask the question- why would so many die for what they knew to be a lie?  It is very odd human behavior to give up one’s life for a known lie, yet many hundreds did in those days as Christians were martyred for their faith refusing to deny what they knew to be true. And in the centuries since Jesus lived and ministered in Israel, many more thousands have come to know Him personally as Lord and Savior, and still some continue to be killed for their faith in this Man from Galilee.

2000 odd years after these events took place, I had the privilege to visit many of the places in Israel where Jesus lived and moved and ministered. I did so as yet another person who believes in His being raised from the dead, and so the Christian faith continues to be promoted around the world as more people learn that Jesus IS alive and well and NOT in any tomb, but in Heaven. God does some pretty amazing things today, as He has over the centuries, and finding new life in the Lord Jesus Christ is just as life-transforming today as it was 2000 years ago. We visited the pyramids in Egypt and Petra in Jordan and an empty tomb in Jerusalem. Lots of artifacts are in the Egyptian Museum from the pyramids, and one can go today to the tombs of many religious leaders around the world, but the One who walked on waters He had created conquered death and was vindicated as Messiah through the resurrection.

You really should get to know Him while you can still fog a mirror, because according to the Holy Scriptures, He will one day be your Judge, and it is far better to face Him as friend rather than as an enemy. The evidence tips heavily in favor of Him being Lord of all, and I can testify that He is Lord FOR all as well. Bow to Him and gain life eternal and abundant.

Jim pastors at Abundant Life Church, which meets at 10:00 am Sundays at 4380 Highway 66, just 3/10 mile east of I25 on the south side under the green banner reading “Enjoy life to the MAX”. Come

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